Monday, November 10, 2008


Yes, one of the most overused misspellings from the last week continues to dominate the headlines in Philadelphia. I realize I am a little behind in the times, but forgive me, it has been a hectic last few weeks with the Phillies making the run that they did, a run that undoubtedly very few around baseball expected. They won the world series handily, beating the Rays in 5 games.

Needless to say the parade was ridiculous, and even more of a spectacle was trying to catch a train on either side of the parade's duration. Even though Septa made a mess despite encouraging every man, woman, and child to take public transportation, it was hard to ruin the mood that flowed through one of Philadelphia's arteries. Broad Street was packed to the brim with red-and-white clad fans, approximately two million strong.

I wish to say congrats to the Phillies as a team and as an organization, and congrats to all the lifers here in Philly that have suffered through twenty-five years of mediocre, dreadful, and oh-so-close sports franchises. It has been a long time coming for sure.

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